What are Pro Soles and Street Soles?
If you've been following Dyzee Threadz for awhile, you would know that there two types of outsoles we created specifically for Breakin'. Some of our first-time buyers get confused on the differences between the two — but look no further!
Here are the benefits of Pro Sole and Street Soles and the differences between the first-ever outsoles tailored to the art of Breakin'.
Pro Soles
Let's say you practice all the time on linoleum. But when you enter the battle, you noticed the floor is covered up with a sponsored sticker. You get caught off guard from this type of surface and it basically compromised your round(s). You feel horrible from all the hours you put into training, only to slip up because of this unexpected terrain.
Sounds familiar?
Don't worry, we got you.
Our Pro Soles are produced with thermo-plastic rubber which are adaptable to almost all types of dance floors. You can practice on various floorings and still showcase the same quality from your training on to the battle floor. The Pro Soles are also environmentally friendly which can be recycled and biodegradable when worn out.
Thread styles, hand transfers, and intricate footwork heads will love our Pro Soles due to the material's characteristics. Soft, flexible, and lightweight are just some of the main features of why Pro Soles might be the missing piece to fully illustrate your style on the dance floor.
Due to the Pro Sole's soft nature, it may leave mini streaks on the floor — but that's not an issue. These streaks are easily removable by simply whipping them with the bottom of your shoes. Any remaining residue can be vacuumed or a quick sweep with a broom. Unlike other hard rubber shoes which cause permanent damage on the polished or coated floorings, the Pro Soles' streaks and scruffs won't matter.
We should warn you that it might not be the best choice if your training spot doesn't necessarily allow Breakin'. However, if you have your own mini dojo or have the graffiti writer mentality to bomb anywhere you go — these Pro Soles might be the outsoles you are looking for!
Check out our Breakin Sneaker Club member "Bboy Kobe" rockin his Pro Soles in the semi-finals of Red Bull BC One Las Vegas Cypher 2022.
Pro Soles are suitable for indoor Breakin' such as world stages, dance floors etc. Dancing on concrete will wear down the Pro Soles faster, so it's best to avoid them at all cost to maximize their longevity. So if you love getting down on concrete or the streets, then maybe this Pro Sole will not be the best choice.
But don't think we forgot about you Cypher Cats.
Street Soles
Our Street Soles are made out of 100% high-quality rubber. What makes them perfect for Cypher Cats (if you haven't guessed from the name yet) is that they are shoes you want to get down with on the streets. Unlike the Pro Soles, they are more durable for all terrains and you will be able to get down any time of the day.
If someone calls you out on the streets or in the jam, you can rely on the Street Soles to have your back. The Street Soles also avoid leaving streaks on the floor and are suitable for almost all Breakin' styles.
However, they are a little more heavier and harder compared to our Pro Soles. So doing hand transfers with Street Soles might sting a little. Although you can get down anywhere with the Street Soles, they don't deliver the same consistent grip as the Pro Soles.

Pro Sole
Street Sole |
Our Pro Soles and Street Soles have been bought by hundreds of dancers around the globe, and have been repping their style with the help of Dyzee Threadz.
Hope this blog helped you explained the differences between the two outsoles. I'm sure whichever outsole you decide to pick, you will be able to showcase your style like never before.
We will see you on the dance floor soon.
Want to invest into shoes that will change your Breakin' career forever? Why not try dancing with the first-ever shoe specifically designed for Breakin'?
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Contact Me
- LinkedIn: Erryl Ho
- Instagram: @dirteeeee
- Website: https://www.errylclassicz.com/
- Email: sendtoerrylho@gmail.com