My First Time Battling with Dyzee Threadz Shoes

The Battle Invitation

A few weeks ago, I was invited as a battle guest at a Hong Kong local jam called “Break Mission.” Co-founded by Justroc of the MZK/FloorGangz, the jam’s vision is to give back to underprivileged communities by working with local charities.

This year’s theme was to donate children’s books as entrance fee, in order to give back to the children of Lamma island in Hong Kong. This was also a historical occasion as this was the first time a Hip Hop jam was held at the island. 

With being invited as a battle guest AND having the first ever jam held at this island — I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to debut my Dyzee Threadz shoes at the battle floor. 

The Filipino - Hong Konger Debut

The Dyzee Threadz shoes I purchased were the “Project P-Noise 2-Stepz”, a shoe dedicated to raise funds for the first ever Breakin’ association in the Philippines. With the selling point being 80-90% of the profits will go straight to the association, who would not want to support this cause!

As a Filipino who grew up in Hong Kong, I felt like it was my duty to support my people in the motherland. 

I feel like Breakin’ and Hip Hop is a perfect alternative to get people out of the streets, especially in a country like Philippines. Not gonna lie, the shoes were a little bit out of my budget during my financial situation at the time. But I saw this as an investment for my Breakin' career and also a major contribution to the Pinoy Hip Hop scene.

I mean I get some dope ass shoes out of it too, so what's there to lose? 

"It's Battle Time!"

During the warm up cyphers, I put on my Project P-Noise shoes and rocked the circles. People recognized my outfit were based on the Filipino flag colors, and even gave me props for it. With the island being home to ethnic minorities and other foreigners, it felt nice to get some comments about my initial purpose of wearing these shoes — to rep my pinoy hood in the local underground scene. 

This was for all my ethnic minorities who grew up in Hong Kong just like I did, but I'll save that story for another blog post. 

In terms of shoe functionality, WOW. 

I was genuinely surprised on how smooth they worked on the battle floor. 

Usually I might have to put in a little extra effort when doing legwork or threads, worrying my foot getting stuck on the floor. But with these shoes, it flowed just like water! I didn’t have to worry about messing up due to other circumstances like a sticky floor or the cypher hype — I just needed to execute and rep. 

I even did a cypher exchange with the future winner of the 2v2 jam, we were just playing around with thread ideas. Being a student of the thread styles for the past year and a half, I usually break my threads during the battle time due to pressure or not having it locked in muscle memory yet. But with the help of Dyzee Threadz (and my 2 month preparation for the jam) I believed I held it down pretty well! 

My friend and I lost first round in our guest battle, but honestly I just felt honored to be invited to the jam as a battle guest. I’ve been watching Break Mission Hong Kong since I was a little teenager!

It’s crazy how life takes you to places you never expect. 



The Takeaway


After this experience battling with these Dyzee Threadz shoes, I realized two things. 

The first realization was that in order to break to your highest potential, you need to wear the right Breakin' apparel. You can't expect Michael Jordan to perform his best in a basketball game wearing football shoes right? So why do we breakers usually purchase shoes that are not suitable for our dance styles? I can't imagine wearing other shoe brands after this event, I never felt so comfortable and smooth while Breakin' in like...ever!

If you are interested in purchasing your own Breakin' shoes, use my code DIRTE at the checkout to receive a 10% discount.

Save that shipping cost homie! 

The second realization I had was that jams is really all about repping. Win or lose, if you felt like you repped well, you already won. Who knows who you inspired right? Competitions can only go so far for internal fulfillment, it's all about positive vibes and how you feel after the jam, in my humble opinion. 

Will I purchase another pair of Dyzee Threadz in the future? Hell yeah!

I'm just waiting for the future designs in the next 2022 Spring Summer breakout.


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